Called to Serve

As Elder Cahoon's mom I finally decided to start a blog to help our many friends and family share in the experience of Aaron in Korea. It is my hope that anyone viewing this blog enjoys our effort.

Monday, December 19, 2011

December 4, 2011

Message body

Hey Mom,
It's been a MUCH better week than last week. It started out kinda rocky because we got rained on, and rain in Korea is...really bad. As a missionary, as a normal person it's actually pretty cool.
But anyway, our fridge has been acting up and it just so happens that it's a Samsung fridge. How is this relevent? Well, I'll tell you. We have a member named 김성대 (Kim, Sung Dae) who works for Samsung and because of his schedule he's been forced to kinda go less active. So we got permission for him to fix our fridge and we were able to have dinner with him and kinda talk to him about church and he said he would try to come within the next few weeks if his schedule lets up. Which is awesome :D
Another one happened with another less active, we went to try to visit to just kinda talk at the door and she wasn't home so we left her a message card on her door. Well, she saw it and she was at church with her little granddaughter this week!
ANOTHER member actually mentioned in her testimony yesterday our dropping by her house and leaving her and her family cookies.
And in all that I'm learning one thing....I'm in a branch full of either single middle aged women or part member families where only the wife goes to church...some of them actually have missionaries out.
In other words, I'm in a branch where about a third of the members are my mother.
This dawned on me when we went with the sister missionaries in the area next to ours to visit our recent convert who is doing AWESOME, and she's having faith building experience after faith building experience, all of them clearly blessings because her daughter is on a mission. I was really reminded of you when we talked to her.
So....remember how I mentioned I was gaining weight again in Daegu? Well, guess what? The pants you sent are STILL LOOSE! I mean I can't go any tighter or else it will destroy my thighs but.....yeah! Do you know what this means? I have a smaller waist than I did in 7TH GRADE!
It's clearly because I'm actually eating healthy (as opposed to starving myself)
Kinda strange to think that yesterday was Krissy's birthday....I had barely even realized it before I looked at my calendar and asked myself what was so important that day. Dang....I've been out a while.
As far as the ring goes, yeah, it's a pinky ring. But that's fine, I can still technically wear it (the only rule against it is wearing it on the thumb).....and it's kinda funny to look at all the sister missionaries with rings on their index fingers. That's why I don't feel bad about wearing it as a pinky ring.
Not really sure about people to mention for Christmas cards but I'll probably check again later to be sure....people have emailed me and I probably should print those off so I can write responses (dang it)
Oh, we also met the French people because it was one of their birthdays but unfortunately until exams end (Christmas Eve) it's going to be hard to meet them. But the one we're teaching said he'd read the Book of Mormon on his vacation, and he's really excited to (or so it seems) so here's hoping :D
Anyway, I'm sending home some pictures in this and in another email. There's one of the three of us, and then I took pictures of our district (minus Elder Gee and his new trainee Elder Baek) at lunch last week.
About the packages, yeah, if you wait until then it might. But from what I've gathered talking to other missionaries (Koreans) not many people will be getting packages, and my district leader told me that he got a package last week so maybe...they're calling it off? I dunno. Anyway, yeah, the 10th should work.
That's about all this week....hope all is well for you though, and hope things continue as they should. Just keep doing what you're doing, I promise it works.
I love you, and I want you to tell everyone else that I love them as well!

사랑 보내셨으니까 감사합니다! 사랑해요!
Elder Cahoon in Korea. November 2010 to November 2012

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