Called to Serve

As Elder Cahoon's mom I finally decided to start a blog to help our many friends and family share in the experience of Aaron in Korea. It is my hope that anyone viewing this blog enjoys our effort.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

October 31, 2011

Oh my gosh it's been quite a week.....let's take it from the top haha.
So on Saturday we had this stake Halloween party that....because nobody was actually asked to help the missionaries had to do EVERYTHING. Which is Korea it's not as....big? I dunno, with the exception of a large amount of kids (probably an English class) close to our apartment that were walking around in costumes saying Happy Halloween, I haven't seen the "influence" out here much. With the exception of themed donuts at Dunkin Donuts (it's here) and something at Baskin Robbins.
So anyway, Elder Olsen and I got to work on the bean bag toss, and let me tell you how THAT went. We made it out of foam padding thinking that we'd be safe with it. We made three boards, and in all it took us like 6 hours to do it. Two of the boards were completely destroyed within the first half hour.
We also were put in charge of decorating a room.....that took most of Saturday and it was completely trashed by the end of the day.
Nice, right? Haha.
So on top of getting ready for THAT we also had a baptism to go to on Satuday....a couple going to the military branch got baptized and a lot of the missionaries that worked with them over the course of the last year, my companion included, showed up for it. It was really cool to see, especially since the husband at first didn't care much; he had a good UNDERSTANDING, but it didn't like....mean anything to him until the last part. Like, he decided to get baptized with his wife about two weeks ago, she's had a date set for nearly a month. It's cool, I even got to teach them a little on's cool to see that the gospel really IS for everyone....and I actually had a profound thought the other day. Everyone....EVERYONE...has the exact same questions regarding life. Everyone has the same core belief that there's a reason for our being here, beyond to....just exist? Pay taxes? Whatever. Everyone in some way believes more than that....and that's why a lot of people get lost in things like drug addiction, alcoholism, and distract them from what's truly burning inside. Some people get so stuck on those distractions that they either lose sight of any true purpose or, worse yet....assume that that IS their purpose.
But regardless...everyone has that same thirst for knowledge and understanding.
So one more of our French investigators mentioned wanting to go to church with us! This is incredibly significant because he talked about already going to church, but my companion told me it seemed like he just kind of picked a random church to go to for some spiritual enlightenment while he lives in Korea. Anyway, we gave him a French Book of Mormon and he was really excited about it. So we'll see what happens there!
Anyway...I don't think I'm going to transfer, I think first Elder Olsen will leave and I'll (FINALLY) get a junior companion, and THEN I'll leave. Maybe. No telling what's going to happen haha.
About my package.....I need a casual (P Day) jacket (just grab either my blue one or my black one at home)....and obviously....candy haha. Maybe a cool t-shirt? Haha
And Christmas.....just money.....and a cool t shirt and some candy :D
Anyway, I'm enclosing some pictures from the Halloween party. Also...notice how skinny I am in that picture? Haha.
Oh hey....I'm flip-flopping on whether or not I want you to come, try this. I could come home in October or early those two which would you want to take time off from school for? GET BACK TO ME ON THIS!
Outside of that....not much else for this week. Have a good week, thanks for all the support and love! It's greatly appreciated!
사랑 보내셨으니까 감사합니다! 사랑해요!
Elder Cahoon in Korea. November 2010 to November 2012