Called to Serve

As Elder Cahoon's mom I finally decided to start a blog to help our many friends and family share in the experience of Aaron in Korea. It is my hope that anyone viewing this blog enjoys our effort.

Monday, November 14, 2011

November 13, 2011

Hi mom! I'm glad to see that you're feeling better--I was kind of afraid I was a little tactless in what I said....but my reasoning behind it was I was thinking about a member (a couple of members actually) in my branch right now that come....alone. Both women in their 40s. Both whose husbands are nonmembers. One actually a recent convert, whose daughter is actually in the MTC right now, and one whose kids both served missions and are studying in America.
But it's cool, they're both really solid. Probably my two favorite members here.
It's strange that you mentioned your MnM group because Sister H asked me about it, specifically about that missionary she mentioned to you. Personally I agree in saying that he needs some assistance. And not to worry, he speaks English pretty well, most of the time I just talk to him in English. Well, i jump between. Anyway, yeah....he's got an amazing conversion story, and it's kinda sad how little support he gets from his family.
I saw the pictures, thanks for that! I kinda forgot Brandon HAD was kinda weird to think about. Well, I guess not really, he got them shortly before I left so most information like that has been deleted to make room for the language.
Strange to think that it's already been a year though, since I came out. doesn't feel like it was very long ago that I was still actually in the Busan city, and it doesn't feel like it was very long ago that I got THAT letter (you know the one).....THAT WAS SIX MONTHS AGO! Six months ago yesterday, to be precise.
Anyway, I'm excited for the packages, and will be on the lookout for them
Y'know, I'm actually really surprised at how many people I AM hearing about serving missions. Kyra Burch....and a little bird told me that Knobbe has recieved his call! Crazy! It's weird to think that when I get home a year from now how different life's going to be. Oh well, no reason for me to stick around, instead go straight to college and begin getting ready for my career. Whatever that is. I'm kinda concerned....Olsen has like EVERYTHING planned out and knows EXACTLY what he wants to do. I don't. At all.
In fact it feels like every one of my companions thusfar has had at least an IDEA of what they wanted to do. Reese wants to be either a pharmacist or a doctor, Jang wants to be a lawyer, Jo wants to be a phys ed teacher (or something to that effect),, I got nothing so far haha.
Oh well, I guess I'll worry about that next October/November haha.
I wish I had something to say about this was kinda strange but it was kinda....dead. Elder Olsen told me he met the French people on exchanges with the Zone Leader but we still haven't really been able to actually BEGIN teaching much yet.
I wish there was more to do in this area, because....there's not much to DO. Like, everyone we meet seems to actually live IN Daegu, and it feels like they're all in Suseong which is ANNOYING because
1. They (meaning Suseong) have not only a huge ward but ALSO they have the military (english) branch so they HAVE stuff to do, and members to visit, and
2. Their members do a large amount of the work FOR them (several convert baptisms in the past year and very few have been found through the missionaries themselves (which is the way it's SUPPOSED to be, they're supposed to be found through the members)
I guess it's getting on my nerves because it's hard to meet our members because we have so few priesthood men (the ratio is like 4 women to 1 man)....and they're all fairly busy.
Oh well, if you feed the missionaries we'll get SOMETHING in return. any rate thanks for doing that, as well as for the package/s :)
Well, I need to get's the last week of the transfer and we've got a lot going (HOPEFULLY! Dang it) I'm probably staying in Gyeongsan, but we don't know that for sure yet so stay tuned :D
PS I'm sending a letter (a couple actually) for Beau and Ty and their families, sending them to our address so if you can divide that for me I'd be happy :D

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