Called to Serve

As Elder Cahoon's mom I finally decided to start a blog to help our many friends and family share in the experience of Aaron in Korea. It is my hope that anyone viewing this blog enjoys our effort.

Monday, September 5, 2011

September begins 2011

Hey mom!
So I'm really liking this new area. My companion is a hard working guy, and as a result we spent a lot of time outside or on the subway proselyting (we don't have a lot of people to teach quite yet) and you know what happened? In one week we got 16 phone numbers. Obviously that's nowhere NEAR what Harman and his last companion got last transfer (them and their  55 contacts) They're really doing well though. They're not working together anymore but that's not stopping them by any means. Actually funny thing is my companion has a competition going with Harman's old companion. So far he beat us by one this week, but they started a day earlier than we did.
So my new companion is awesome, it's nice to have one I can relate to a little more.  Yeah, I'm doing a lot better than I was. Your prayers are appreciated.
So today is a special P Day that the Howertons put on for the zone to meet new missionaries, feed us a crap ton of food, and play games. It. Is. AWESOME. At the moment I'm kinda missing out on the action so I can email but it shows you how much more important communication with my family is :D
It's cool to hear what y'all are doing with school this year, as far as having one teacher focus on one subject. Somehow I saw THAT coming a mile away, you teaching English that is. And to think you wanted to teach....what was it, science? Bah. Hehehe. So wait, for science and history do you still have a homeroom class? How's that gonna work? Let me know.
So birthday, half, etc. should suffice. Half....tons of candy? I dunno haha.
The pants fit REALLY well, in fact. My problem is I gotta find some smaller shirts....see, my shirts fit fine, they just have a lot of room in the stomach. A LOT of room. A LOT OF ROOM. But the problem with American shirts is....if you have a big neck and you're tall, OBVIOUSLY you're fat as well. So....I'm going to get my shirts hemmed. Our office missionary Elder Roskelly told me that it's pretty cheap, he had like 5 or 6 shirts done for $30. Just an idea.
What else? Oh, I tried on my suit coat. I CAN wear it, but it's....pretty big on me. But Sister Howerton said if I gave her my measurements she could look one up on the base or online for pretty cheap and I could pay her for it. So....we'll look into that. Stay tuned.
Anything else...? Oh, contacts. I actually think I can just buy them in stores here, since I don't have a problem with astygmatism anymore. The perscription is right on the box. So....I'll try that this week or sometime and get back to you on that one.
I don't think there's anything I missed....halfway, I'm not sure yet, birthday, I think money would be good. I'll think on it this week and get to you :D
So that's all for this week. Glad to hear things are going well, and things are good on my end too. Stay happy :D
PS. Oh, hi to all the missionaries and members and anyone who still cares about me :D

사랑 보내셨으니까 감사합니다! 사랑해요!
Elder Cahoon in Korea. November 2010 to November 2012