Called to Serve

As Elder Cahoon's mom I finally decided to start a blog to help our many friends and family share in the experience of Aaron in Korea. It is my hope that anyone viewing this blog enjoys our effort.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August 30, 2011

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Sorry I'm late! It's been a little crazy! Let's begin.
So I was transferred to an area called GyeongSan, which is right outside of Daegu (yes!) and the best part is the fact that the Howertons (senior military missionaries) are in my district! But I'm sure you already know that if you've been talking to Sister Howerton.
The cool thing about having the Howertons in my district is the fact that they get stuff from the military base for the missionaries, and it's actually comparable in price TO America. Which will be amazing NEXT week when I have money since we don't get MSF money until Thursday.
Also, my companion is really nice. I'm still a junior, but my companion doesn't really care. previous companion said he didn't care, but that's PROBABLY because he wouldn't listen to me even if I WAS co-senior.
I regret to say I was witholding a lot of frustration in my emails home as I'm sure you could sense...
So about my new companion, his name is Elder Olsen, he's from Alaska, he has been in the country for about a year and 2 months, and he's really cool. He follows the same ideal that I follow. hard, play hard. Like, duh, it's important to work hard as missionaries, but it's equally important to have fun. Not breaking rules by any means,, just enjoying life. So I think we'll get along just fine.
As far as why I couldn't email yesterday, well, here's the story.
So we gathered at the mission office for transfers, but what happened was those who were waiting in Daegu for new companions didn't come down, they just sent their old companions. So a bunch of us were supposed to go up, and there was a group of 3 that were going to meet our new companions, those three were me, Elder Gee, and Elder Allen (names probably mean nothing to you). Well, what happened was Elder Allen had an interview with President Gilbert, and we were told that Gee would be fine since our companions would be at the station to catch him (apparently the missions do this all the time, sending one person just having teams at each end to catch them (out of the mouth of President himself)). So I waited back with Elder Allen. It was about 4 PM before we could leave because of the interview and him needing to talk with the office staff. But we got to the train station at about 4:45 or so. Now, I had been told that there was a car on the train we took that would have computers and internet. It did...but it was closed. By this time it was fairly late in the evening (we arrived in Daegu at like 7:30) And President had said that if we didn't have time to email yesterday just to do it when we had time today. "Just get it done, I don't want calls from worried mothers," he said. It was pretty funny actually.
But that's about it for updates....I don't really want to talk about what happened the last couple transfers. It wasn't bad, we just didn't DO anything. I just want to do as my new companion, Elder Olsen suggested. "Work hard, play hard." So far, it's pretty good, I'm already feeling better than I had been in Daeshin. Which isn't to say that that area's bad, the members were absolutely amazing. Like this one old lady who was actually baptized by Elder Choi Yoon Hwan when he was attending college at BYU Hawaii. She still gets letters from members of the Quorum of the Twelve and has met personally several of them. And that's just one example.
Well, I hope things aren't too stressful with school starting up (although I know they are) Oh well, you're a good teacher (the best that school has actually) it's nothing you can't handle.
Oh, as far as being late for Josh's farewell, think of it this were doing service because nobody was watching the kid. Don't take this the wrong way, you still have to go to church, but don't be too hard on yourself ;)
I don't really think there's anything else on my mind at the moment. I'll have more for you next week, since my companion and I have planned to hit it and hit it hard. Which it's about time, if you know what I mean. Anyway, love you, be safe, tell those who still care about me that I love them, keep giving people pressure to write me, and all those other things I normally ask of you. Also...remember that God answers EVERY prayer, no matter how small or insignificant you may feel they be. But you already know that :)
Anyways, have a good week! Suffer much! (it's a joke based on the Korean passing "수고하세요" (Su-go-ha-sae-yo) which taken in CONTEXT means "Work hard!" but it's literal translation is "Please suffer much!")
Yeah, Korean does weird things to your brain....
Anyways, see ya!
PS You probably thought I'd forget but I didn't. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOM!!!!!

사랑 보내셨으니까 감사합니다! 사랑해요!
Elder Cahoon in Korea. November 2010 to November 2012

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