Called to Serve

As Elder Cahoon's mom I finally decided to start a blog to help our many friends and family share in the experience of Aaron in Korea. It is my hope that anyone viewing this blog enjoys our effort.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Where does time go?

Sorry I haven't posted here.  I've been busy keeping up with Sister Howerton's blog in the Busan Mission.  Aaron is now in that area, and she has so many pictures of the missionaries it's so fun to read, and see what is going on. 
Here is the lastest letter from Aaron.  Enjoy! Oh...check out sister H's blog if you want.  I'll post a link.

Wow....sounds like a roller coaster of a week.
As for us, well, it's really hard to meet people. We can't even meet our members without another man, but the problem is our priesthood are either busy or.....I'm not sure if I want to take Branch President to visit less actives. He's a nice guy, but....he's someone that MIGHT scare them. (he is 6'8")
So birthday was really good. We had our zone meeting that day, and the Howertons DID feed me and my companion....not long after we heart-attacked their door. They KNEW it was us haha...they required a picture of us by the door, and it's on the blog. But I'm sending it here too haha.
And the package DID show.....the suit is AWESOME! Really comfortable! Thank you soo much! Same with the shorts, it's really good. And the candy, oh man :D thank you so much!
I'm trying to write people but I really don't have a lot of time for it....we never have boring P-Days here haha.
Oh, I'm still in Gyeongsan, but I had this idea as far as using a contact on base to get packages, but I don't know ANYONE who goes to the Suseong English branch so we have no contacts. But Sister Howerton could have an idea haha.
Oh, conference was amazing, as usual. I really liked how Elder Holland really got after people about serving missions, and how much ENERGY President Monson had. That alone was a good pick-me-up.
Let's see....outside of that this week was kind of......strange. We've come up with some new IDEAS proselyting, but we're going to have to get to work on putting it to action. Stay tuned :D
Outside of that....unfortunately I don't have much news. I'm really grateful for all you're doing.....just think about all that's happened in the past year. Right? Haha....
Anyway, we've got kind of a big day today, so I'll post the pictures and leave you with a charge to have a good week.

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