Called to Serve

As Elder Cahoon's mom I finally decided to start a blog to help our many friends and family share in the experience of Aaron in Korea. It is my hope that anyone viewing this blog enjoys our effort.

Monday, August 22, 2011

August 21, 2011 Beginning month 10

Hey again, mom!
Wow, hard to believe I'm already writing back.....that last week just kinda flew by, because we were so busy setting up for our activity on Saturday. It was pretty cool, we did a youth activity where we made the church into a haunted house and the teaching theme was actually based on Lehi's dream (the iron rod)....strangly enough (believe me I didn't come up with it) It was really fun, even though only ten people actually came and we bought snacks for we had a lot of snacks that we either had to leave in the church or take (which....I decided to do the latter (don't worry, I asked permission))
And this week will fly too, my companion has army reserve training tomorrow so I'll be on exchanges, then we have district meeting on Wednesday, and Thursday is our transfer calls, and then from then on the week will be spent packing either way because, if I transfer, I need to pack, and if not, I need to pack anyway because we're changing houses (which is good) The house we found is right next to the church, which is awesome considering we have to go there every day.
I dunno, my companion thinks I'm out. At least he says that, I don't really know what he thinks....he flip flops more often than a lot of Democrats I know (sorry, to all my Democrat pals, you know I love y'all)
As for the pants, I dunno yet. I haven't gotten the package because the office is holding mail until transfers are made so nobody knows where they are going (makes sense) but I'm going there today so I'll probably pick it up there.
I hoped you'd like the gift I was admittedly pretty hard to find and I wasn't sure if I should or not, because it was pretty expensive. But yeah, I'm really glad you liked it. Happy birthday, mom :) hard to believe mine's next (at the end of the next transfer as a matter of fact :D)
Oh, I'm not at ten months yet. I'm at 9. This is the beginning of my tenth. But thanks anyway :D
I'm glad you found Sister Howerton's blog, she and her husband are really nice (as a matter of fact I want to serve in Daegu so I can be in the same place as them) We do have senior missionaries in this area but my companion is kind of a recluse so he kinda avoids being with other missionaries. Well, he prefers Korean missionaries anyway.
Either way there's a high (extremely high) percent chance of us splitting up. Oh well, you'll know next week, and I'll know Thursday.
Thanks for all the support, mom. Sincerely, thanks. You've no idea how much it means to me and the others that you're writing. If you wind up becoming teaching partners with Jan again, be sure to have her give Elizabeth a hard time for taking so long to write me :)
Well, I need to get going. Tune in next week to find out where I'm going. I love you!

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