Called to Serve

As Elder Cahoon's mom I finally decided to start a blog to help our many friends and family share in the experience of Aaron in Korea. It is my hope that anyone viewing this blog enjoys our effort.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

February 2012

The Pats are in ANOTHER SuperBowl?! 이럴수가? (What the heck?) Oh well, go Giants. Like LAST time. 'Sokay, I guess that means my care for football has always been more on the commercials anyway. Still, good to know things are going well haha.
About the flash drive and the card.......I don't really care. In fact if you want you could even send both :D that way I'll be able to have all my pics on me AND be able to send home. My reasoning is Elder Yoo keeps wanting to see earlier pictures of my mission, but......he's probably going to transfer from here next week so maybe....I dunno. I'll know on Thursday (already) what's happening. He thinks I'm getting a younger companion and going District Leader. We'll see. Oh, just an FYI (you already know the drill) because it's transfer week if he transfers we both have to go to Busan and I'm going to probably end up not being able to email until the next day. Just so's ya know.
Another "what the heck?" has to be thrown at those 5th graders. Like.......stealing doesn't surprise me because kids are stupid, but.......blackmail? Seriously, just who in the heck does he think he is? Glad to see he's going to have to fess up, hopefully it'll help him see the light. Because I'm seeing more and more punishment doesn't help if they don't see why what they did was wrong. Maybe it's because I'm thinking more along the lines of repentance now. After all that's all it is....seeing the error of your ways and making amends somehow. Hopefully the kid gets the point.
Anyway things on my end are a little better now. Elder Yoo is pretty good at fleshing out problems and it doesn't feel like anyone in the district is really satisfied with the way things are going more week.
Beau writes me every so often to let me in on what's going on, but I was unaware of what he was going to name his daughter.
I'm getting updates from the Josh' fact it's kinda funny because I got a message from Johnson with the first line being "Leadership problems?" Seems I'm not alone haha.
I'm getting more mail finally haha. It's been a fairly decent week for mail, so I'm pretty pleased. Elder Yoo asked me how I've managed to keep people writing me throughout my be perfectly frank I'm not sure how I've done it myself. I'd heard from numerous sources that once you hit your year mark in the country the letters just cease. Maybe it'll happen sooner or later (although I can't say I WANT that) Not sure what to think there.
This week we finally met the missionary mom investigator, and I learned the reason she doesn't come out to church more often is because of the fact that she goes to the city of 김해 (Gimhae) every we committed her to go to church out there if she gets the chance. Which is probably better, there's more people, closer to her age. Out here we have two young families, an older American couple, a number of youth, and a Cambodian sister who is actually hoping to leave on a mission. So......yeah, not much going for her sadly. But she's really amazing, and has a unique love for hymns and the songs in the primary song book. Oh, she's a piano teacher by the way, and it was really fun, we just sang songs with her. She's going to get baptized eventually, I can just tell. I actually met her son in the MTC and he's......awesome, and has an amazing testimony (like, when he got baptized he set to work straightaway on improving his English so he could read books written by the church leaders that haven't been translated yet, and he's fluent)
There's your spiritual uplift for the week.....I really hope things are going well for you on that end in that department. I keep hearing about how well you're doing from other sources so on the outside people can see the changes within you, but I'm hoping you realize it yourself. It's something Elder Yoo has kinda taught have to be able to see the good that other people see in you; something I do but I don', I refuse to believe I'm anything special (in a weird already know that though)
Guess there's always something to learn, and I'm thankful that this time my lesson doesn't involve me being emotionally damaged like earlier on in my mission.
So I wish I had more time to write but we're going to have our district P Day today. I'm a little skeptical, but's just because I dont' want to do any unnecessary travel, and we have to go to 통영 (TongYoung), which is a long way away, just to turn around and do it again on Wednesday for district meeting. The only thing I don't like about this Declo/Burley.....EVERYTHING IS SO FAR AWAY!
But whatever, outside of that things are good :D
Anyways, hope you have a good week. See you soon!

사랑 보내셨으니까 감사합니다! 사랑해요!
Elder Cahoon in Korea. November 2010 to November 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sister Howerton's Blog from Korea

This is the link to the Howerton's blog.  They are just finishing a Senior Mission in South Korea.  Aaron was lucky enough to meet these wonderful people and be treated like family in their home.  I hope that they know how much this blog has meant to all the friends, and family of the missionaries in their area.  They are wonderful people!